Warung Es & Kue Mungil, Jaksa Agung Suprapto
Rice, Chinese, Noodles
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
Sate Babi Klenteng, Oro Oro Dowo
Rice, Chinese, Sate
Tahu Telor Bu Atik, Jl. Brigjen Slamet Riadi 75
Rice, Snacks, Chinese
Savana Resto, Rampal Celaket
Western, Chinese, Indonesian
Cwi Mie Isor Uwit, Guntur
Seafood, Noodles, Chinese
Depot Kanton, Guntur
Rice, Chinese, Noodles
Holycow Steakhouse By Chef Afit, Klojen
Japanese, Chinese
Apun Kitchen
Noodles, Chinese
MIE MAREM JAYA, Pasar Tawangmangu
Noodles, Japanese, Chinese
Depot Goyang Lidah (1987) Serayu
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
Depot Mie 88, Jalan Batanghari No. 88
Noodles, Chinese, Rice
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