Kupang Kraton Hj.Qomariyah, Dr.Cipto, Klojen
Seafood, Sweets, Sate
Warung SATE Madura Utama, Tawangmangu
Sate, Rice, Beverages
Warung Gule & Sate Kambing Bang Saleh (Cabang Tongan), Sarangan
Sate, Martabak
Sate Barokah, Hamid Rusdi
Warung Sate Pajajaran Cak Ri, Klojen
Rice, Beverages, Sate
JoLuweJo, Mawar
Fast food, Snacks, Sate
Sate Taichan KeNyot, Jl.Patimura 70c
Pisank Magic, Purwantoro Blimbing
Beverages, Snacks, Sate
Sate, Rice
Sate, Indonesian
SATE CAK BAYU, Purwantoro
Rice, Fast food, Sate
sate ayam bang aziz, (samping musolla al amin)
Beverages, Rice, Sate
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