Kopi Studio 24, Sukun
Mie Gacoan Malang, Sukun
Ayam Bebek Mesem, Bareng Tengah
Chicken & duck, Rice
Lapis Kukus Tugu Malang Talun, AR Hakim
Snacks, Bakery, Sweets
McDonald's, Sarinah Malang
Fast food, Sweets, Snacks
Rawon Nguling, K.H Zainul Arifin
KFC, Kawi
Fast food
Ayam Goreng Nelongso, Sukun
Chicken & duck, Rice
HokBen Kitchen, Dieng Kawi Malang
Fast food, Japanese
JCO, Malang City Point
Pecel Winongo, Panderman
Fore Coffee, Semeru Malang
Coffee, Beverages
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