Seblak Mayorca, Bumiayu
Beverages, Snacks, Sate
sate barokah aba
Tahu Telor Pak Putu, Kolonel Sugiono
Martabak, Sate
Sate Ayam Arema
Beverages, Rice, Sate
Sate Ayam Jawara, Sukun/ciptomulyo/dirumah
Beverages, Rice, Sate
Sate Soto Gule Krengsengan Tenes Pak Gendut, Kedungkandang
Rice, Sate
Soto Ayam Kampung Cak Sol, Kedungkandang
Rice, Bakso & soto, Sate
Soto Ayam Kampung Pak Faisol, Jl. Zaenal Zakse
Sate, Rice, Bakso & soto
E_135 Alam Sunda, Jl Setia Budi Utara
Rice, Chicken & duck, Sate
JoLuweJo, Mawar
Fast food, Snacks, Sate
sate bang sabar
satelezat nikmatmaknia
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