Geprek Firzha, Asrikaton Pakis
Chicken & duck, Western, Fast food
Nasi Bakar & Nasgor Klasik Cakrul 29, Pakis
Rice, Seafood, Snacks
Ayam Geprek Legendaris, Sekarpuro
Rice, Chicken & duck
Kopi Bahagia Warkop Semar, ABD Saleh
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
Depot bu Her (mentoq pedas), Taman Bandara Regency
Rice, Chicken & duck, Noodles
Ayam Geprek Sambel Ija, Melati Sekarpuro
Chicken & duck, Rice
Sego Banting Pak No, Madyopuro
Coffee, Snacks, Rice
Tahu Telor Bu Naff, Pakis
Rice, Snacks
Frozen Food, Empek-Empek & Lalapan Huma, Pakis
Fast food, Snacks, Beverages
Sehati Kopi, Sawojajar, Malang
Beverages, Coffee, Snacks
Kubah Frozen, Sekarpuro
Snacks, Seafood, Fast food
Roti Bakar Handys, Ki Ageng Gribig
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