Es Teh Jumbo kedai lestari, Turen
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
Nasi Babat Pedes, Kec.Turen/Kelurahan Kedok
Rice, Beverages, Coffee
Orem Orem Dan Soto Daging, Pegadaian Turen No 73
Bakso & soto, Coffee, Fast food
Kopi Beanspot Alfamart, M933 Majangtenga Malang
El Basreng Basah, Dampit
Snacks, Beverages, Coffee
Kedai Barokah 99, Hamparan Perak
Kedai Barokah717, Gondanglegi
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Warkop Lumintu, AREA PKL Gor Ken Arok
Coffee, Martabak
Kopi Djahat, Tajinan
Warung Ijo Mbok Il, Tajinan
Beverages, Rice, Coffee
Warung Bu Kris, Krebet
Rice, Chicken & duck, Coffee
Warung Rawon SS
Rice, Beverages, Coffee
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