Kopi Kenangan, Singapore Station Adam Malik
Coffee, Sweets, Bakery, Snacks, Beverages
Dominico Coffee, Mayang
Snacks, Coffee, Beverages
Ice Cream Durian Popo, Sekip Medan
Bolu Menara, Maju Bersama Merak Jingga
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
Lapis Durian Medan, Medan Petisah
Snacks, Sweets
Manisan Jambu Madu, Kruing 1
Salad Buah Manado, Sekip
Fast food, Snacks, Sweets
Manisan Jambu Aguan, Kruing
Akang Santuy, Meranti
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
Bika Ambon & Lapis Legit Golden
Snacks, Bakery, Sweets
Cakwe awi
Snacks, Bakery, Chinese
Manisan Jambu Golden, Mojopahit
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