Es Jeruk Peras Dan Jus Buah Segar, Konter Pulsa Puri Cell
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Jus Buah TiQ.B
Yulia Salad Buah
Snacks, Sweets, Fast food
Finda Fruit Salad, Magersari
Whend@y Juice
Kedai Bu Nurul Es Teller, Mojosari
Beverages, Snacks
Pempek & Juice Warzuqni, GPM Meri Kranggan
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
Jamu Mbak Ciprut, Dsn Tangkil Modongan Sooko
King Es Teller Mangga Smoothies, Mojopahit
Beverages, Snacks, Sweets
Sego Njamoer, Sunrise Mall
Rice, Snacks, Bakso & soto
JaaFiin Juice, Magersari
Juice Mbak Ita Mojopahit, Magersari
Fast food, Sweets
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