Zizi Cemilan, Tanjung Sabar
Snacks, Fast food, Noodles
Mie Padeh Narako Cabang Sutomo, Gang Caniago
Fast food
Waroeng Halim Pecel Lele Hot, Tanjung Sabar
Chicken & duck
Ayam Geprek Pak Dhe Momon Cabang Lubeg
Chicken & duck
Mie Cipeh - Cafe Uniang, Aru
Ricebox & Nasi Ayam Saus, Ruzzun Kitchen, Lubuk Begalung
Rice, Beverages, Fast food
Dery Brownies, Lubeg
Alpukat Kocok Bunda, Mesjid Upi
Sweets, Beverages, Fast food
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