Dapoer Anna, Cengkeh, Lubuk Begalung
Beverages, Rice, Noodles
Nasi Goreng MU, Dr. Moh. Hatta
Rice, Noodles, Fried Rice
Kafe Agung, M. Hatta
Noodles, Beverages, Rice
King Nasgor, Pauh
Rice, Noodles, Seafood
Ini Mie-Kedai Omah, Ujung Tanah
Noodles, Rice
Miee Pedas Romantis, Padang Timur,Andalas
Rice, Beverages, Noodles
Warung Tifa Ndut, Padang Timur Andalas
Warung Ojan Andalas
Fast food, Noodles
Warung Nasi Goreng Ariq Nduttt, Taratak Paneh
Rice, Noodles, Fried Rice
Ayam Geprek & Mie Padeh Si Om, Kalawi
Beverages, Chicken & duck, Noodles
Mie Gacoan, Padang Soetomo
Nana Cemilan, Pengambiran
Rice, Noodles, Fast food
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