Mie Celor Indra 16 Ilir / Cemara, Belakang PBSI / Lurah 26 Ilir
Beverages, Snacks, Noodles
Bandrek 555, Kedaung
AGEN VCR Mie, PalembangSumatera
Noodles, Fast food, Beverages
YXG Ngopi, Ilir Barat I
Coffee, Beverages, Fast food
Nasi Goreng & Ayam Geprek Fitri 24Jam, Talang Semut
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Nasi Goreng & Ayam Goreng, Bang JonO, Bukit Kecil
Rice, Beverages, Snacks
Nasi Ayam Geprek Pasifik, Talang Semut
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Allia, Ilir Barat
Beverages, Fast food, Western
Kopi Dep
Coffee, Beverages
Kopi Gila
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Ayam Geprek Yuli, 22ilir
Rice, Beverages, Chicken & duck
Ayam Gepuk Mivi Rusun Blok 30c, Rusun Blok 30c DiBlakang Pim
Beverages, Rice, Chicken & duck
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