Mami Steak Gunting Demang Lebar Daun, Ilir Barat I
Western, Fast food
Pondok Pindang, Sop, Soto, Pempek dan Snack Jaya Lestari, Grand Mutiara
Rice, Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto
Roti Bakar Bang Juna, Ilir Barat 1
Beverages, Bakery, Noodles
Bakso Rudal dan Mie Ayam Ceker Mas Sule, Parameswara
Bakso & soto
Bakso & Model Lingkaran, Parameswara
Bakso & soto, Beverages, Fast food
Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus, Demang Lebar Daun
Chicken & duck, Rice, Bakso & soto
Kopi Baik, Demang
Bella Cakes, Jalan Demang
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