Rocket Eyang, Sekip
Nasi Goreng & Pecel Lele Riri, KM 5
Rice, Fried Rice
Rumah Makan Bintang Kejora Jaya Simpang Tigo Tanggo Takat
Rice, Chicken & duck
Ayam Bakar Pakde Awang, Talang Aman
Rice, Chicken & duck, Coffee
Pondok Justin, HBR Motik
Pecel Lele Mbak Esti, Sirna Raga
Rice, Chicken & duck
Bakso Solo Rasa Permai, MP Mangkunegara
Bakso & soto
Ayam Geprek Master Palembang, Celentang
Rice, Chicken & duck
Bakso Juragan, Suka Maju
Fast food, Bakso & soto, Chicken & duck
Pecel Lele Pojok, Sako
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
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