Rumah Karee
Rice, Martabak, Indian
Martabak HAR, Masjid Agung
Rice, Martabak, Indian
Martabak India Engkal, Kh Dahlan Talang Semut
Indian, Martabak
Kebab Freedom, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 2954
Snacks, Middle Eastern, Indian
Martabak Malabar India Haikal, Bukit Kecil
Indian, Martabak
Martabak Bombay Asli, MP Mangkunegara
Indian, Martabak
Snack Attack & Coffee by Hangry, Soekamto
Chicken & duck, Rice, Indian, Middle Eastern
Ayam Goreng Bu Tumbar by Hangry, Soekamto
Chicken & duck, Rice, Fast food, Indian, Middle Eastern
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