Lumpia Ratu, Gadingrejo
Snacks, Chinese, Fast food
Bakpao Chik Yen Pasuruan
Snacks, Chinese
DIFUDI (Wonton, Dimsum, Es Teh), Panggungrejo
Beverages, Snacks, Chinese
Depot Mie Harmoni satu, Jl Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
MAU DIMSUM, Kebonagung
Snacks, Chinese, Korean
Vie Mei's Kitchen, Panggungrejo
Noodles, Chinese
Rumah Makan Kurnia, Gadingrejo
Chinese, Snacks, Rice
BJ. Perdana Hotel, Purworejo Pasuruan
Western, Chinese, Seafood
Depot Asih X Rawon Shen FL, Gadingrejo
Rice, Chinese, Korean
Dimsum & Ikram Food, Krampyangan
Snacks, Fast food, Chinese
Njajanenaq.Dimsum Qiqi Frozen Food, Jl. Patiunus, Krampyangan
Snacks, Fast food, Chinese
Depot Soponyono, Warungdowo Foodcourt
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Chinese
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