Sugar Bowl, Idaku Ruang Kita
Snacks, Sweets, Korean
Seafood, Purworejo
Snacks, Fast food, Korean
MAU DIMSUM, Kebonagung
Snacks, Chinese, Korean
Breakfast Salad Sayur, Purworejo
Snacks, Fast food, Korean
Depot Asih X Rawon Shen FL, Gadingrejo
Rice, Chinese, Korean
Cc Rice Bowl, Variasi
Rice, Korean, Chicken & duck
Happy Kim, Rambutan 3
Rice, Korean, Chicken & duck
SEBLACKPINK 13, Jl Patiunus No52 Krampyangan
Snacks, Korean, Seafood
Flash Food, tembokrejo
Snacks, Fast food, Korean
Karnevor Pasuruan, Perum Wismokerto Q-1
Korean, Steakhouse, Seafood
DAPUR MBAK VIRA, Rembang/Orobulu/Blok G1 No 07
Snacks, Korean, Seafood
Pawon Blirik, Oro Rombo Kulon Kec. Rembang
Snacks, Korean, Seafood
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