Mie Roja', Pekalongan
Snacks, Beverages, Noodles
Mie Level Dapur Mami (Makan Mie), Jl Pelita 1 Kradenan
Snacks, Fast food, Noodles
Mak Gembrot Food, Jalan Trikora Pragak Gang 2
Noodles, Snacks, Fast food
Nasi Goreng Tek - Tek, Batang
Rice, Noodles
Mie ayam Jakarta Pak Ndut Terminal bus
Rice, Bakso & soto, Noodles
Nasi Goreng, Capcay, Mie Bu Iswati, Kergon
Chicken & duck, Noodles, Bakso & soto, Fried Rice
Mie Gacoan, Pekalongan 2
Noodles, Beverages, Snacks
Kedai Andira, Dk Pejangkaran Rt 003/006
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