TomYummy, Podo Kedungwuni
Rice, Korean, Thai
Rocket Chicken, Kedungwuni
Fast food
IKAN BAKAR PODOMORO, Wopi, Seberang Gg Apolo
Chicken & duck, Seafood
Waroeng Spesial Sambal SS, Sapugarut
Eat Toast Batang, Jl Sindoro Perumnas Kalisalak
Snacks, Bakery, Coffee
Ayam Sembarang, Batang
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Geprek ASIK, Kertijayan
Chicken & duck, Snacks, Sweets, Rice
Ayam Goreng Suka Sari, Tentara Pelajar
Chicken & duck
Dapoer Anggrek Pizza Nasi Goreng, Ayam Geprek, Gayudan 1
Coffee, Pizza & pasta, Chicken & duck, Fried Rice
Rocket Chicken, Banyurip
Chicken & duck, Fast food
Bakso 2 Saudara, Hos Cokroaminoto
Bakso & soto, Noodles
Pempek 3 Putra, jl.sunan ampel Medono no 21
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