Aksen Coffee, Sidomulyo, Marpoyan Damai
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Point Coffee, Indomaret Arifin Ahmad
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
KFC, Arifin Ahmad
Fast food
Serambi Kopi, Arifin Ahmad
Rice, Coffee, Beverages
TOMORO COFFEE, Ruko Arifin Ahmad
Mixue Arifin Ahmad, Marpoyan Damai
Sweets, Beverages
Martabak Djoeragan, Arifin Ahmad
Radja Koffie, Arifin Ahmad
Rice, Coffee, Noodles
Basua Coffee Shop & Space
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Ayam Geprek Nuansa Geprek, Tengkerang Tengah
Fast food
Iga Bakar Cobek, Arifin Ahmad
Chicken & duck
Seblak Cuanki Baso Aci Prasmanan
Bakso & soto, Seafood, Indonesian
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