Rice, Beverages, Coffee
3.01 km
200+ ratings
100+ ratings
100+ ratings
Roti Cane + Susu + Keju
Sejenis Kue Lepat Yang Terbuat Dari Labu Kuning, Tepung Ketan Dan Isian Seei Kaya
Mie Aceh + Ayam + Acar + Kerupuk
Mie Aceh + Telor + Acar + Kerupuk
Mie Aceh + Acar + Kerupuk
Mie Aceh + Udang + Acar + Kerupuk
Mie Aceh + Nasi Goreng + Telor
Mangga, ice cream, fresh milk
Indomie + Telor + Bumbu Mie Aceh + Kerupuk + Acar
Indomie + Telor + Ayam + Acar + Kerupuk
Indomie + Telor + Udang + Acar + Kerupuk
Indomie + telor kampung 1/2 matang 2 biji + acar + kerupuk
Nasi Goreng + Indomie + Telor
Cocok Utk Mie Kuning, Mie Lidi, Mie Hun, Mie Instan, Mie Tiaw, Nasi Goreng Dll (6-7)
Kopi Arabica Gayo Premium, Freshmilk, Gula AREN
Espresso, Susu Freshmilk, Gula Aren PREMIUM, ES
Kopi Arabica Gayo Premium, Freshmilk, Gula Aren
Jus Jeruk + Es Krim
Nasi Goreng + Telor
Nasi Goreng, Ayam, Telor, Acar, Kerupuk
Nasi Goreng, Udang, Telor, Acar, Kerupuk
Nasi Goreng Kampung + Telor + Acar + Kerupuk
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