Nasi Goreng Ijo Mbak Titi, H. Adam Malik
Rice, Fried Rice
THARIQ Fried Chicken & Ayam GEPREK
Chicken & duck, Fast food
Hi Spicy Pematangsiantar
Noodles, Fast food
Rumah Makan Padang Panjang Cokro, Cokro
Rice, Chicken & duck
Ayam Geprek Mercon Rezki, Cokroaminoto
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Jelly Rockets Siantar, Kec.Siantar Barat Kel. Banjar
Beverages, Snacks
Warung Nasi Gendut, Bolakaki, Siantar Barat
Rice, Chicken & duck
Ayam Penyet Cabe Ijo Mbak Tuti 1, Wahidin
Rice, Chicken & duck
Warung Nasi Gendut, Banjar
Rice, Chicken & duck
Pansit Immanuel, Musyawarah
Chinese, Noodles
Kedai Bakmie Bahagia, Parluasan
Chinese, Noodles
Martabak Bangka Mulia, Siantar Barat
Martabak, Snacks, Fast food
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