Gudeg Magelang, Purwokerto Timur
Chicken & duck, Rice
Bubur Ayam Jakarta & Nasi Tim Ayam, Purwokerto Timur (Bobby)
Bubur Ayam Yamie, Kombas
Rumah Makan Pramuka 163, Purwokerto Selatan
Soto Gareng Purwokerto
Bakso & soto, Rice, Chicken & duck
Nasi Kuning Bu Sukirno, Pramuka Timur
Gudeg Bu Yus, Pasar Manis
Chicken & duck, Rice
Soto Ayam Madura CAK FATHUR, Purwokerto Timur
Beverages, Fast food, Bakso & soto
Loja De Cafe, Purwokerto Utara
Waroenk Ora Umum, Purwokerto Timur
Snacks, Beverages, Rice
Gudeg Asli Kauman Lama, Purwokerto Selatan
Depot Bubur Mang Iwan 4, Purwokerto Barat
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