Roti Bakar Bii Biii, Bodronoyo
Snacks, Bakery, Sweets
Toko Ravin, Ngampin Ambarawa
Beverages, Snacks, Bakery
Aneka Nasi TanayaBara De Kitchen, Sidorejo/sidorejo Lor
Beverages, Rice, Bakery
Roti Bakar dan Kebab KRL Kondang Rasa Lezatnya, Pusat 2 Blotongan, Salatiga
Bakery, Fast food, Snacks
Neng Kenee Merapi, Merapi
Chicken & duck, Korean, Bakery
Coffee Tanem, Jendral Sudirman
Kuliner Dapoer Kite, Kelurahan Kutowinangun Kidul
Sate, Chicken & duck, Bakery
dimsum gemooy, Bergas
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery
S Nja Om, Kertanegara
Beverages, Coffee, Bakery
Hoki Hoki Food
Fast food, Snacks, Bakery
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