Kerang Cool Seafood & Sosis Bakar, Sidomukti
Seafood Kuy!, Sidomukti
Pok Pok Serrr, Ambarawa
Rice, Seafood, Chicken & duck
Restu Simbok Sari Laut Lamongan, Sudirman
Rice, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Redchic Salatiga, Imam Bonjol
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Restfood Salatiga, Sidorejo
Oemah Nasgor
Rice, Noodles, Seafood, Fried Rice
Seafood Amel, Sidomukti
Lamongan 58 Bebek Dan Ayam, Ahmad Yani
Chicken & duck, Seafood
Omah Gongso Dan Seafood, Guwo Permai
Beverages, Seafood, Rice
Spesial Seafood Kang Aris, Sidorejo
Seafood, Chicken & duck
Nasgor Mbak Evi, Serayu(belakang apotek wahid)
Rice, Seafood, Snacks, Fried Rice
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