Kedai Koki 33 Seafood, Chinese Food & ikan Bakar, Wolter Monginsidi
Seafood, Chinese, Noodles
Sawung, Sembungharjo
Beverages, Chinese, Seafood
Jajan Terus Semarang
Snacks, Fast food, Chinese
Nasi Goreng Tegal Bayu, Banjardowo
Rice, Chinese, Fried Rice
Wonton, Mie, Ubi Brulee, Risol Kedai Yummylicious
Snacks, Chinese, Indonesian
Happy White Rabbit, Perum Dempel Baru
Fast food, Chinese
RM Majusari, Pedurungan
Seafood, Chinese, Indonesian
Cakweku99, Tlogosari Raya
Siomay Super RAFA, Tlogosari
Rice, Chinese, Snacks
Nasi Goreng Seafood & Ayam Kremes Myranty, Graha Permata Muktiharjo
Rice, Chinese, Seafood, Fried Rice
Chicken Tasty & Nasi Goreng Tasty, Pedurungan
Chinese, Japanese, Fast food
Palais de Porc, Tlogo Timun
Chinese, Coffee, Sate
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