Burjo Menggoda, Gunung Pati, Nongkosawit
Rice, Beverages, Noodles
RM. Padang Cahaya Bersaudara
Rice, Beverages, Coffee
Dapoer RiriZ, Semarang
Rice, Beverages, Chicken & duck
MSA Food (Bikin Lupa Diet)
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Pawone Ma'E, Muntal 02/04, Gang Durian III
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Ayam Bakar Madu & Ayam Goreng Kremes, Dimsum Tras, Patemon
Beverages, Snacks, Chicken & duck
Nasi Uduk Lontong Opor Bu Anti
Rice, Beverages
Batter Hub, Gunung Pati
Rice, Beverages, Healthy
Kedai Hamas, Unnes, Patemon, Gunungpati
Beverages, Snacks, Chicken & duck
Burjo Titik Kumpul, Gunung Pati
Noodles, Beverages, Rice
Penyet Wbl, Taman Siswa
Chicken & duck, Beverages
BURKETSU Gunungpati
Beverages, Sweets, Rice
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