Angkringan Laperpool (You'll Never Eat Alone), Bima
Rice, Beverages, Sate
Sate Ayam & Kelinci Tanto Tanti
Beverages, Sate, Rice
Warung Sate Bebek , Ayam , Jamur Mbah Gombloh
Chicken & duck, Sate, Indonesian
Sate Kambing Muda Balibul, Tuntang
RM IGA SAPI Mbak Indah, Blotongan, Salatiga
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Sate
Soto & Sate Kerang PAK NO, Sidorejo
Bakso & soto, Beverages, Sate
Teras Uncle Jo, Sekar Langit Regency 35
Rice, Bakso & soto, Sate
Sate Kambing & Ayam Bakar Pak Bejo, Canden 1
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food, Sate
Ayam Bakar Dan Sate Kambing Pak Bejo 3, Canden 1
Rice, Chicken & duck, Sate
Kuliner Dapoer Kite, Kelurahan Kutowinangun Kidul
Sate, Chicken & duck, Bakery
Warung Sate Cak Toha, Mrican
Bubur Ayam Cirebon
Beverages, Sate, Fast food
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