Ayam Geprek Mbak Menuk, Lamper Tengah
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Ayam Geprek Berkah Ibu, Khas Semarang, Rambutan Dalam
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Pecel Dan Tahu Gimbal, Rambutan Barat
Fast food, Snacks, Beverages
Es Teh Noniq, Semarang Selatan
Beverages, Indonesian, Fast food
Let Cuisine & BBQ, Kec Semarang Selatan
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Pentol Soultan, Lamper Lor
Bakso & soto, Snacks, Fast food
McDonald's, Tentara Pelajar Semarang
Fast food, Western, Sweets, Snacks
Kedai Makan JuniorLaku, Semarang Selatan
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
Bandeng Presto ABI, Mrican
Snacks, Fast food
Bubur Ayam 'Rukun' Mas Jo, Lamper
Rice, Fast food
Kedai Samala
Fast food, Chinese, Western
Soto Ayam Lamongan Cak Met
Fast food
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