Burjo Kota #3, Semarang Selatan/Lamper Lor
Beverages, Rice, Noodles
Burjo Idaman Lamper 02, Kec.Semarang Selatan
Beverages, Healthy, Rice
Delissa Catering - Semarang, Lamper Tengah - Semarang
Beverages, Snacks, Rice
Takoyaki Premium By Aklatama, Candisari
Beverages, Snacks, Japanese
Kopi Forever by Hangry, MT Haryono
Beverages, Coffee, Snacks, Sweets
Dari Pada (Hangry Kopi & Teh), MT Haryono
Coffee, Snacks, Beverages, Sweets
Snack Attack & Coffee by Hangry, MT Haryono
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery, Beverages, Coffee
Bakaran Sanjaya 57
Snacks, Beverages, Sweets
Geprek & Tahu Gimbal Alan Catering, Jomblang Perbalan
Snacks, Beverages, Rice
Kedai MJ Semarang, Jomblang Perbalan
Nasi Goreng Modern, Lamper Tengah
Beverages, Rice
Geprek Bakar Boss Annot Bangetayu, Jl. Wonodri Sendang Raya No. 15
Chicken & duck, Snacks, Beverages
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