Ayam Geprek Mbak Menuk, Lamper Tengah
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Ayam Geprek Berkah Ibu, Khas Semarang, Rambutan Dalam
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Ayam Geprek Maju Rasa, Rambutan Sompok
Rice, Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto
Pecel Dan Tahu Gimbal, Rambutan Barat
Fast food, Snacks, Beverages
Padang Baru Lamper Sari
Teh Desa Semarang Lampersari, Semarang Selatan/Peterongan/
Gado-Gado Hoki, Taman Sompok
Rice, Snacks, Healthy
Suka Kitchen, Peterongan
Snacks, Fast food, Bakery
Burjo Kota #3, Semarang Selatan/Lamper Lor
Beverages, Rice, Noodles
Susu Kambing As Syifa
Sate Ayam Bang Rendra, Lamper Kidul
Enakko Empale, Lamper
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