Warung Harmoni
Chicken & duck, Noodles, Snacks
Pecel Uleg Semarang, Ngaliyan, Ngakiyan Gondoryo
Rice, Chicken & duck, Noodles
Ling Ling Cafe PGSD Beringin New, Ngaliyan, Semarang
Rice, Noodles, Beverages
Geprek imah
Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Lontong Pecel Sendang Roso, Bringin
Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Mie Ayam Bandung & Bakso Cuanki, Jl. Watuwila IV Blok G 8 No.5
Ayam Goreng, Sop Iga Bakar dan Soto Sapi Pawon Bahagia, Pengilon Buntu
Snacks, Rice, Noodles
Mie Aceh Abuchiek, Ngaliyan
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