Dapoer Sinok, Pedurungan
Rice, Snacks, Beverages
Warteg Bu Dewi, Palebon, Pedurungan Semarang
Rice, Seafood, Beverages
Kedai Sarapan Bu Tri, Depok Dalam
Kedai Numani Spesial Seafood Ayam & Angkringan, Pedurungan
Chicken & duck, Rice, Seafood
Dapoerrindu Semarang, Palebon
Sweets, Bakery, Coffee
Moshi Moshi, Palebon
Chicken & duck, Beverages, Noodles
Soto Boyolali Dan Aneka Lauk, Pasar Ganesha
Rice, Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto
Wayout Kopi & Toast, Graha Mukti
Beverages, Coffee, Bakery
Cilor Telur Dan Sampolan Ayam Bang Pi'i, Jln.pancing Raya 1
Beverages, Snacks, Rice
Jajan Enak'e Bang Pi'i, Tlogosari
Rice, Beverages, Snacks
Jajanan Sedulur, Sempolan & Cilor (Dpn Makam)
Beverages, Snacks, Rice
Enake Jajan Dan Sup Buah, Tlogosari
Rice, Snacks, Beverages
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