Pisangnya Papa, Bergas
Pisangnya Papa 2, Pringapus
Snacks, Sweets
Pecel Malem Pasar Ungaran, Pasar Ungaran
Donat Bakar Tembalang, Meteseh
Bakery, Snacks, Fast food
Sate Kambing Muda Tegal Bu Firda, Tembalang, Rowosari
Rm Penyet dan Padang Sutan Mudo Pucang Gading, Pedurungan
Rice, Chicken & duck
Bakmi Jowo Mas Gondrong, Cemara Raya
Rice, Noodles, Sate
Bebek Ali Sastro
Chicken & duck, Rice, Beverages
Warung Ragil
Chicken & duck, Rice
Bakmi Surabaya "Cak Jono", Karang Rejo
Rice, Noodles
Sate Ayam & Kambing P. Jamaludin Madura, Tirto Agung
Burjo Kane, Semarang
Beverages, Rice, Indonesian
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