Chicken & duck, Western, Rice
0.5 km
70+ ratings
50+ ratings
40+ ratings
1 / 2 rack pork ribs served w / salad, 1 Selected Side, and 1 Selected Sauce
1 / 3 rack pork ribs served w / salad, 1 Selected Side and 1 Selected Sauce
1 / 3 rack pork ribs served w / french fries & bbq sauce, salad
1 / 3 rack pork ribs served w / salad, 1 Selected Side and 1 Selected Sauce
1 / 2 rack pork ribs served w / salad, 1 Selected Side, and 1 Selected Sauce
1 rack pork ribs served w/ salad, 1 Selected Side, And 2 Selected Sauce
Pork Knuckle (Bagian Lutut) Dengan Pilihan 1 Side, 2 Sauce / Sambal. Bisa Dipotong2 Atau Utuh
1 whole rack pork ribs, smoked Ham , 200 Gr pork belly steak, Bacon salad, French Fries, grilled corn, dan Pilih 3 sauces
1 Whole rack pork ribs, 2 Sides, 3 Sauces, 2 Teas
1 whole rack pork ribs, onion rings, popcorn pork, 2 sides, 3 sauces
2 whole rack pork ribs, 3 sides, 3 sauces, 4 teas, 2 desserts
1 whole rack pork ribs (Pilih Flavour: BBQ, SpicyBBQ, honeyGarlic, Charsiu), 2sides (FF, wedges,Mashed Potato, Rice,Steamed Corn),3 sauces (BBQ,Spicy BBQ,Beer Glaze, Mushroom,Blackpepper, HoneyHam, Tartar, Aioli)2 Beers (Bintang, Balihai, Radler)
1 whole rack pork ribs (Pilih Flavour: BBQ, Spicy BBQ, honey Garlic, Charsiu), 2 sides (FF, wedges, Mashed Potato, Rice, Steamed Corn), 3 sauces (BBQ, Spicy BBQ, Beer Glaze, Mushroom, Blackpepper, Honey Ham, Tartar, Aioli) 1 Soju
Pork shrimp cake
Braised Pork Belly
Charsiu Belly
Pilih: Tingkat Kematangan, 1 Side (FF,wedges,mashed Potato,rice,steamed Corn) , 1 Sauce (BBQ, Spicy BBQ, Blackpepper, Beerglaze, Mushroom, Tartar, Aioli)
Served With 1 Selected Side N Sauce
With Baby Potato and Vegetables
Pilih 1 Side: FF, Wedges, Mashes Potato, Rice Atau Steamed Corn
All time favorite pork ribs with flavorful soup
Pilih: Tingkat Kepedasan, Telur Matang/setengah Matang
Pilih: Telur Matang/ Telur Setengah Matang
Pilih: Telur Matang/ Telur Setengah Matang
Pilih: Telur Matang/ Telur Setengah Matang
served w/ sweet & chill sauce
Chocolate Brownies Served With Biscuit Crumble And Coffee Sauce (Ice Cream is Not Included)
Homemade Pizza With Nutella, Chocochips, Strawberry And Caramalized Banana As Topping
Creamy Lemon Cheesecake With Cookie Crust And Strawberry Compote Topped With Lemon Gelatin And Sprinkled Lemon Zest (Ice Cream Is Not Included)
French Sponge Almond Cake, Coffee Buttercream, Coffee Syrup And Chocolate Glaze in Layer (Ice Cream Is Not Included)
Vanilla Pannacotta Served With Cherry, Grape, Strawberry And Mixed Berry Sauce
[Minuman beralkohol hanya diperbolehkan untuk dikonsumsi oleh pelanggan usia 21+]
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