Snacks, Beverages, Rice
33.86 km
100+ ratings
100+ ratings
100+ ratings
Nasi + Chicken Katsu + Selada + Pilihan Saus
Pasta With Smokedbeef And Sausage With Blackpepper,parsley And Some Secret Recipe
Nasi + Chicken Katsu + Selada + Pilihan Saus
With Shrimp, Chic And Some Vegetable 5pcs
Made With Fresh Strawberry Jam
Nasi + paha crispy + sambel matah + Telur Ceplok + timun
With Premium Choco+cheesse And Some Secreet Ingredient
Real Matcha With Freshmilk. It Will Calm Your Soul
Nasi + Chicken Crispy With Brown Butter Sause
Ginger Ginseng And Some Secret Recipe
Nasi + Ayam Krispi + Saus Bangkok (Manis Pedas Dan Sedikit Asam)
Arabica Coffe, Secreet Recipe Butterscotch
Nasi + Ayam Crispy Dengan Bumbu Cabe Garam
Everyones Fav Menu!!! Keju Aroma Perpaduan Rasa Asin Manis Gurih Disetiap Gigitan
Butter Rice + 4 Chicken Wings + Saus Sascet
Choco Aroma + Keju Aroma + Strawberry Aroma 6pcs/pors
Milk And Secreet Recipe Butterscotch
Perpaduan Teh Premium Wangi Dan Fresh Milk.
Bitterballen 1, Keju Aroma1, Choco Aroma1, Strawberry Aroma 1, Fried Dimsum 2
Ukuraan 600ml bisa request ice or biasa
Keju Aroma Level Up with Mozarella Cheese And Milo 4pcs/porsi
With Cheddar Chesse And Strawberry Jam(homemade) 5pcs/pors
Cireng Level Up! Pure Keju Melted. 5prs/px
Nasi + Chicken Katsu + Selada + Pilihan Saus
Nasi + paha crispy + sambel matah + Telur Ceplok + timun
Nasi + Chicken Crispy With Brown Butter Sause
Nasi + Ayam Krispi + Saus Bangkok (Manis Pedas Dan Sedikit Asam)
Nasi + Ayam Crispy Dengan Bumbu Cabe Garam
Butter Rice + 4 Chicken Wings + Saus Sascet
Nasi With Bakso Gongso. Bisa Request Pedas Lvl 1-3
Nasi With Sosis Gongso. Bisa Request Cabe Lvl 1-3
Indomie Goreng + Chicken Katsu With Saus
Pempek lenjer 1 + kapal selam 1. 100persen asli ikan tenggiri Asli dan kuah cuko kental
French Fries + Chicken Nugget + Sausage With Secret Mayonnaise And Chili Saus
Pasta With Smokedbeef And Sausage With Blackpepper,parsley And Some Secret Recipe
Makanan Khas Timur Tengah Dengan Daging, Cabe Ijo, Tortilla Dan Rempah Khas Arab 3pcs
With Shrimp, Chic And Some Vegetable 5pcs
With Premium Choco+cheesse And Some Secreet Ingredient
Everyones Fav Menu!!! Keju Aroma Perpaduan Rasa Asin Manis Gurih Disetiap Gigitan
Choco Aroma + Keju Aroma + Strawberry Aroma 6pcs/pors
Pisang coklat lumer yang siap akan memanjakan lidahmu
Bitterballen 1, Keju Aroma1, Choco Aroma1, Strawberry Aroma 1, Fried Dimsum 2
Cireng Isi Ayam Pedas 5pcs
Keju Aroma Level Up with Mozarella Cheese And Milo 4pcs/porsi
Full Meaty With Secret Recipe. Served With Steam(8min). 4pcs/pack
Tortilla With Smoked Beef, Cheddar Cheesse, Chili Sauce, Mayo, Mozarella And Some Secret Sause (Lil Spicy) 3pcs
With Cheddar Chesse And Strawberry Jam(homemade) 5pcs/pors
Cireng Level Up! Pure Keju Melted. 5prs/px
Full Meaty And Egg. Digoreng Dengan Balutan Telur Dan Saus Cocolan Pedas Manis
Bitterballen Cheddar Cheesse 2pcs And Sambosa 2pcs
Big Bites Bitterballen Menggunakan Bahan Premium Dan No Msg Club Ya Bigbitters Jadi Dijamin Sehat
Made With Fresh Strawberry Jam
Real Matcha With Freshmilk. It Will Calm Your Soul
Ginger Ginseng And Some Secret Recipe
Arabica Coffe, Secreet Recipe Butterscotch
Milk And Secreet Recipe Butterscotch
Racikan Teh Premium Dan Aroma Yang Wangi Bitter Sweet. Dikemas Dengan Menggunakan Botol
Perpaduan Teh Premium Wangi Dan Fresh Milk.
Ukuraan 600ml bisa request ice or biasa
Made With Pina Jam And Secret Recipe
Arabica Coffe With Caramel
Puding Susu + Jelly Strawberry + Nata Dcoco + Strawberry Jam(homemade) + Evaporation Milk And Freshmilk + Secret Recipe
Puding Susu + Puding Choc Milo + Nata Dcoco + Milo + Evaporation Milk + Freshmilk + Secret Recipe
1 Cup Strawberry And 1 Cup Milo
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