Rice, Beverages, Sate
Nasi + Krengsengan Ayam
Nasi + Tahu Campur + Telur (Bumbu Kacang)
Indomie Rebus (Ayam Bawang/ Soto) + Telur
Indomie Goreng Original + Telur
Teh Original
Florida Orange / Sweet Mango / Lemon Tea
Sari Buah Jeruk Alami
Kental Manis
Kental Manis
With cocoa granule
Jeruk Nipis + Jahe + Kencur + Kunir, Dll
Sari Jahe Alami
Jahe Alami + Susu
Roti Tawar Keju + Santan + Susu
Goreng Dadakan Isi 10
Goreng Dadakan Isi 10
Ceplok / Dadar
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