Nasi Goreng Brebes Arfa
Rice, Noodles, Beverages, Fried Rice
Pelangi Cafe & Resto, Singosari Raya
Geprek dan Juice Mekar, MT Haryono (SD Santo Yusuf)
Beverages, Chicken & duck
Yummy Chicken, Wonodri
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Beverages
Coffeetamin, Bangkong Semarang
Beverages, Coffee
Snack Attack & Coffee by Hangry, MT Haryono
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery, Beverages, Coffee
Dari Pada (Hangry Kopi & Teh), MT Haryono
Coffee, Snacks, Beverages, Sweets
Kopi Forever by Hangry, MT Haryono
Beverages, Coffee, Snacks, Sweets
Warteg Arman, Pleburan Barat
Rice, Fast food, Beverages
Sego Sambel Suroboyo 3S, Wonodri Baru
Beverages, Rice, Chicken & duck
Soto Cak Har Semarang & Ayam Goreng Aromangi, Jl. Sriwijaya Baru No. 102
Beverages, Rice, Bakso & soto
Point Coffee, Indomaret Ahmad Yani 151
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
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