Nasi Gudeg Mbak Dwi, Singosari
Lapo Marroan, Pleburan
Chinese, Rice
Pelangi Cafe & Resto, Singosari Raya
Kedai Gula Jawa Resto, Semarang Selatan
Rice, Sweets, Western, Snacks
Nasi Ayam Bu Nyoto
Restoran Nglaras Rasa, MT. Haryono
Chicken & duck, Snacks, Rice
Richeese Factory, Majapahit
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Rice
Soto Kudus Mbak Lin, Ventura Taman Kuliner
Bakso & soto
Gudeg Abimanyu, Ki Mangunsarkoro
Istana Oleh Oleh Brillian, Simpang Lima
Nasi Goreng Percoyo 2 Kedai 5 To 8, Genuk Perbalan
Noodles, Rice, Fried Rice
Tahu Bakso Tahucahungaran, Erlangga
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