Burjo Kota #3, Semarang Selatan/Lamper Lor
Beverages, Rice, Noodles
Ayam Goreng TerSereh by Hangry, MT Haryono
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Rice, Noodles
Ayam Koplo (Hangry Nasi Ayam Geprek), MT Haryono
Chicken & duck, Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Arfa Nasi Goreng Brebes, Singosari
Noodles, Rice, Fried Rice
Nasi Goreng Brebes Arfa
Rice, Noodles, Beverages, Fried Rice
Bakmi Surabaya Mommy, Candisari
Mie Nyemek, Bu Marta
Noodles, Beverages, Indonesian
Nasi Goreng Percoyo 2 Kedai 5 To 8, Genuk Perbalan
Noodles, Rice, Fried Rice
Seblak Jago By Warung Kinantan, GAYAMSARI
Fast food, Snacks, Noodles
Bubur Ayam Legenda Majapahit
Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Beverages, Chicken & duck, Noodles
Nasi Goreng 86, Gajah
Noodles, Rice
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