Penyetan Berkah Indah, Lingkar Salatiga
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Roti Bakar Bii Biii, Bodronoyo
Snacks, Bakery, Sweets
Bakwan Kawi MUJUR Mbak iis, Abdul Wahid
Snacks, Bakso & soto, Rice
Nasi Goreng Brebes FUJI, Pulutan - Sidorejo
Indonesian, Fast food, Noodles
Redchic Salatiga, Imam Bonjol
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Restfood Salatiga, Sidorejo
Bossmindo Geprek Warmindo
Fast food
Burger Bangor Express, Salatiga
Western, Snacks, Fast food
Waroeng Lada Hitam, Kalicacing
Rice, Snacks, Chicken & duck
KFC, Salatiga
Fast food
Warteg Nabilla 02, Kemiri Barat
Nasi Kuning & Nasi Lengko
Chicken & duck, Beverages, Rice
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