Nasi Goreng Brebes #001, Kutowinangun Kidul - Tingkir
Noodles, Rice, Seafood, Fried Rice
Nasi Goreng Mas Tulus, Tingkir
Rice, Fried Rice
Martabak Putra Bangka Dulah Manis Dan Telur, Tingkir
Burjo Sekawan, Depan Rs.Dr.Asmir
Kebab Bosman, Tingkir
Middle Eastern, Snacks
Nasi Goreng Mas Amin, Tingkir
Rice, Fried Rice
Nasgor Mbak Evi, Serayu(belakang apotek wahid)
Rice, Seafood, Snacks, Fried Rice
Warung Sate Cak Toha, Mrican
Martabak Bangka Idola, Benoyo
Snacks, Martabak, Bakery
Nasi Goreng dan Bakmi Jowo Pak Gareng, Sidomukti
Rice, Noodles, Coffee, Fried Rice
Lamongan 58 Bebek Dan Ayam, Ahmad Yani
Chicken & duck, Seafood
Nasi Goreng Mbak Andri, Sidomukti
Rice, Fried Rice
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