Bebek Ali Sastro
Chicken & duck, Rice, Beverages
Roti Bakar dan Kebab KRL Kondang Rasa Lezatnya, Pusat 2 Blotongan, Salatiga
Bakery, Fast food, Snacks
Spesial Ayam Goreng Kemiri, Sidorejo
Fast food, Rice, Chicken & duck
Nasi Goreng Miracle, Kemiri
Rice, Fried Rice
Restfood Salatiga, Sidorejo
Depot Mie Surabaya & Aneka Penyet Pojokan Jetis, Imam Bonjol
Rice, Noodles, Beverages
KFC, Salatiga
Fast food
Martabak DONI Patimura, Sidorejo
Martabak, Snacks, Bakery
Waroeng Lada Hitam, Kalicacing
Rice, Snacks, Chicken & duck
Nasi Goreng Mas Tulus, Tingkir
Rice, Fried Rice
Nasi Goreng Brebes #001, Kutowinangun Kidul - Tingkir
Noodles, Rice, Seafood, Fried Rice
Warung Makan Cahaya Baru, Ambarawa
Noodles, Rice
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