Kopi Kenangan, Ruko A Yani Ungaran Semarang
Beverages, Coffee, Snacks, Sweets
Bakmi Surabaya Mas Sandhy, S Parman
Noodles, Fast food, Rice
Bebek Madura Bumbu Ireng - Mas Heru, Ungaran
Chicken & duck, Beverages, Rice
Nasi Goreng Bu Nanik, Ungaran Barat
Rice, Noodles, Beverages, Fried Rice
McDonald's, Ungaran
Fast food, Western, Sweets, Snacks
Nasi Goreng NuSa, Ungaran Barat
Rice, Noodles, Bakso & soto, Fried Rice
Nasi Goreng Brebes Undaris, Gedanganak
Noodles, Fast food, Rice, Fried Rice
Penyetan & Nasi Goreng Bu Yastik, Kenangasari
Rice, Noodles, Fried Rice, Chicken & duck
Pizza Hut Delivery - PHD, Diponegoro Ungaran
Snacks, Pizza & pasta, Fast food, Western, Chicken & duck
Kebab Container by Baba Rafi, Alun-alun Lama Ungaran
Snacks, Middle Eastern
Burjo Titik Kumpul, Ungaran
Noodles, Beverages, Rice
Nasgor & Ayam Geprek LINDADIAZ, Gedanganak Ungaran Timur
Beverages, Rice, Noodles
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