Tugo, RM Said
Rice, Snacks, Fast food
Roti Kecil, Bakery dan Jajan Pasar, RM Said
Bakery, Snacks, Sweets
Sate Ayam Ponorogo, R M Said
Sate, Chicken & duck
RM Ayam Goreng Dapoer Malioboro, Raden Mas Said
Chicken & duck
Birru The Explorer (Kopi Dan Mocktail), Banjarsari/Punggawan
Beverages, Coffee
Pleasure Please (Cake Dan Dessert), Banjarsari/Punggawan
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery
Wang Li Heng (Bakmi Dan Dimsum), Banjarsari/Punggawan
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
Sate Ayam Sewu Satay, Prof DR Supomo
master kebab punggawan, Punggawan
Fast food, Rice, Chicken & duck
Ayam Geprek dan Kebab Burger Madyotaman, Banjarsari
Fast food, Beverages, Chicken & duck
BENJOS ( Bento Jowo Solo ), Banjarsari
Chicken & duck, Beverages, Rice
Kalis Donuts, Supomo
Sweets, Snacks
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