Kebab Salman Alfarisis, Klewor Raya
Middle Eastern
Ayam Geprek MM Mugi Mbarokahi, Mojo Andong Boyolali
Rice, Beverages, Chicken & duck
Roti Gembong Gedhe, Karanggede
Rice, Snacks, Beverages
Cafana, Sempu
Kopi Omah Surakarta, Geneng Miri
Beverages, Snacks, Indonesian
kedai aneka seblak, Sentulan
Snacks, Beverages, Noodles
Toko Kue Linda Sari, Sumberlawang Desa Ngandul
Bakery, Snacks, Fast food
Martabak Jawa 2 (Depan Polsek), Gemolong
Snacks, Martabak
Bakso & Mia Ayam Ceker Mandiri Mbak Ning
Bakso & soto, Beverages
Sate Padang Uda Juned, Gemolong
Soto Kwali Joyo, Gemolong
Bakso & soto
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