Najma Snack and Catering, Kemusu, Klewor, Ngeksiharjo
Beverages, Snacks, Bakery
Snacks, Beverages, Fast food
Kedai Mbah Dar-Ju, Sangge
Fast food, Chinese, Snacks
Es Sugoii, Andong Boyolali
Fast food, Snacks, Beverages
Roti Bakar Eksel
Puko Drink, Karanggede
Snacks, Beverages, Coffee
Rice, Snacks, Beverages
DEWATA Ubi Madu Oven, Miri/Jeruk/Pusat UbiMadu Miri
Fast food, Snacks
kedai aneka seblak, Sentulan
Snacks, Beverages, Noodles
Aneka Rasa, Dusun Pinggir Kec. Karanggede
Toko Kue Linda Sari, Sumberlawang Desa Ngandul
Bakery, Snacks, Fast food
Nyos Geprek Gemolong, Gemolong
Chicken & duck, Snacks, Fast food
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