Rm Sinar Minang Nguter, Kecamatan Nguter, Sukoharjo
Rice, Chicken & duck
Popeneeye Chicken Express, Nguter Sukoharjo
Rice, Chicken & duck
Ayam Goreng Kampung Mbak Titik, Selogiri
Rice, Chicken & duck
Bakso dan Mie Ayam Jempol Wonogiri, Selogiri
Bakso & soto, Fast food, Beverages
Bakso,Mie&Soto Madep Mantep
Bakso & soto, Rice, Fast food
PECEL LELE MBAH YATI, Widoro Rt.001 Rw.004 Kepuh
Beverages, Chicken & duck, Seafood
warungpojok nasi goreng nanggan
Noodles, Rice
Ayam Goreng Kampung Mbak Dian Pule, Selogiri
Rice, Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto
Bakul Rice Bowl Ayam Josutan, Perum Josutan Rt 1 Kaliancar
Beverages, Rice, Fast food
Kedai Ngemil Wonogiri, Selogiri
Snacks, Beverages, Rice
Star Steak Begajah, Sengon,Begajah,Sukoharjo
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