Sate Pak Pur Pedan, Pedan
Sate, Beverages, Rice
SATE KERE DAN VIRA DHA, Jl. Pasar Timur Pedan
Sate, Beverages, Snacks
Warung Sate Kambing Pak Pur 2, Pedan
Beverages, Rice, Sate
Tengkleng Ndas Sor Duren, Pedan - Karangdowo
King Sate Buntel Pak M. Huripto
Sate, Noodles, Beverages
King Drink Aneka Rasa, Kedungan Pedan
Beverages, Sate
Rice, Noodles, Sate
Rm Alam Sunda E173, Jl. Karangdowo
Rice, Chicken & duck, Sate
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