Pizza & pasta
2.11 km
40+ ratings
30+ ratings
20+ ratings
Sausage Beef/Chicken With Mozzarella Cheese
Beef Pepperoni, Ground Beef and Chunky Chicken
Beef Pepperoni, Ground Beef and Chunky Chicken
Beef Pepperoni, Chunky Chicken, Ground Beef, Onion, Mushroom, Black Pepper
Beef Pepperoni, Chunky Chicken, Ground Beef, Onion, Mushroom, Black Pepper
Chunky Chicken On BBQ Sauce With Onion
Chunky Chicken On BBQ Sauce With Onion
Beef Sausage, Ground Beef, Beef Burger and Chicken Sausage
Beef Sausage, Ground Beef, Beef Burger and Chicken Sausage
Double Pepperono with Mozarella Cheese
Beef Pepperoni, Ground Beef and Mushroom
Beef Pepperoni, Ground Beef and Mushroom
Sausage&Chicken, Sauce Mayonaise with Topping BBQ
Sausage&Chicken, Sauce Mayonaise with Topping BBQ
Ground Beef, Onion Chilli Sauce
Ground Beef, Onion Chilli Sauce
Beef Bacoon,Ground Beef,Sauce BBQ with Mayonaise On Top
Beef Bacoon,Ground Beef,Sauce BBQ with Mayonaise On Top
Beef Burger, Cucumber, Tomato, Lettuce with Mozarella Cheese
Beef Burger, Cucumber, Tomato, Lettuce with Mozarella Cheese
Double Pepperono with Mozarella Cheese
Layers of pasta filled with meat sauce&creamy white sauce
Layers of pasta filled with meat sauce&creamy white sauce
Macaroni, Smoked Beef, Ground Beef, Cheese with sauce carbonara
Spaghetti noodles with fresh seafood, a spicy garlic&teriyaki sauce
Potato's Sauce Carbonara and Smoked Beef
Penne Noodle in creamy carbonara sauce with smoked beef
Penne Noodle in creamy carbonara sauce with smoked beef
Fettucini noodle with a creamy sauce and smoked beef&mushroom
Fettucini noodle with a creamy sauce and smoked beef&mushroom
Spaghetti noodles in hearty tomato meat sauce
Spaghetti noodles in hearty tomato meat sauce
Spaghetti noodles in blackpepper sauce with chunky chicken&mushroom
Spaghetti noodles in blackpepper sauce with chunky chicken&mushroom
Spaghetti noodles with fresh seafood, a spicy garlicteriyaki sauce
Ayam / Jagung / Jamur
Pinggiran khusus untuk pizza
Pinggiran khusus untuk pizza
Pinggiran khusus untuk pizza
Pinggiran khusus untuk pizza
Pinggiran khusus untuk pizza
Pinggiran khusus untuk pizza
2 Small Pizza + 1 Garlic Bread + 2 Ice Tea
2 Small Pasta + 1 Garlic Bread + 2 Ice Tea
1 Small Pizza + 1 Garlic Bread + Soup + French Fries + 2 Ice Tea
1 Small Pasta + 1 Garlic Bread + Soup + French Fries + 2 Ice Tea
1 Medium Pizza + 2 Small Pizza + 4 Es Teh
1 Medium Pizza + Soup + French Fries + 4 Es Krim + 4 Es Teh
Small Pasta + Es Lemon Tea + Es Krim
Small Pizza + Es Lemon Tea + Es Krim
Small Pasta + Soup + Es Lemon Tea
Small Pizza + Soup + Es Lemon Tea
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