Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Nasi +ayam +sayuran+ Acar + Krupuk
Kwetiaw + Sayur + Ayam + Acar+Kerupuk
Mie + Sayuran + Ayam + Acar +kerupuk
Ayam 200gr + Bombay + Saos Mentega
Nasi +ayam+lada Hitam
Nasi+ayam Geprek + Lalapan
Aneka Macam Sayuran
Tofu + Sayuran + Seafood + Jamur
Irisan Ayam.sosis.baso Ikan.jamur.pasta.sayuran.krupuk.fish Dumpling.kulit Pangsit
Es + Buah Naga +susu
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